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Quiroga Square


This project is part of the systematization and new identity for urban green spaces in the Municipality of Lanús. The general objectives of these interventions are:

•Creation of a landscape-architectural-communicational language incorporating the particularities of each implementation.

•Compatibility with pre-existing conditions (especially in already configured central spaces).

•Modification of social behavior standards in public spaces.

The intervention strategies are:

•“Green vaults” are created to generate an urban buffer (noise, safety for vehicles, etc.) in areas bordering high-traffic avenues.

•Large flowerbeds are included with specimens of unique trees of significant size so that when they mature they become part of the collective memory of the place.

•Inclusion of an articulating axis with “events” throughout its development, to create an architectural route through pixelated floors. These are materialized with interlocking concrete blocks of different colors.

•That the floor communicates through hopscotch drawings, labyrinths, etc. in areas of high-traffic ferro-cemented or epoxy smoothed concrete.

•Incorporation of closed multi-sports facilities.

•Location of gaming venues with integrative games and cutting-edge games.

•Inclusion of aerobic equipment


Location: Monte Chingolo, Lanús, Province of Buenos Aires

Area: 2,700 m2

Authors: Gaston Flores, Arch.

Daniel Chaín, Architect.

Constanza Rivas Godio, Architect.

Julieta Lanfredi, Arq.

Paula Chimbo, Arq.


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