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New access to the National Museum of Fine Arts


The project considered not only the need to incorporate elevators to the National Museum of Fine Arts, but also the creation of an important access situation taking into account future expansions of the museum.

The structure of this space is made up of a tree-like metal frame that subtly touches the building, supporting the floors and guiding the elevators. The structure is covered by a continuous sheet of screen-printed glass that filters the sunlight and creates a diaphanous and ethereal space. Behind the sheet of glass, the incessant movement of visitors and elevators is outlined, which, together with the movement of the tree foliage, generates a dynamic superposition of transparencies and opacities.


Location: National Museum of Fine Arts, City of Buenos Aires

Surface: 100 M2


Paulo Gaston Flores, Architect

Mariano Albornoz, Arq

Jose Manuel Fiori, Arq

Martin Torrado, Arq

Gabriel Galvan, Architect


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